Category: Construction

  • Eco retrofit

    I have been working on a really interesting eco retrofit project for the last few weeks. The house was built in 1922 as part of a Daily Mail Ideal Home Village for that year and is timber frame with lath and plaster walls and cedar tile cladding. The house has cavity walls which are currently…

  • Green Roof Consultancy

    Just a quick one this but quite pleased that last week I registered a new company for the first time. Working at The Ecology Consultancy I set up a new company The Green Roof Consultancy The company is a partnership with Dusty Gedge and Gary Grant. I also helped them with their stand at the…

  • The parrots are back

    My ring necked parakeets have returned. In London the reaction to these is a bit mixed, some people like me get quite excited, others are a bit non-plussed or even hostile. I like them though, each year they come along for about a week. They make a load of noise ( I think this may…

  • Lizards at large

    Lizard catching season has started already and I have been quite successful catching them on a site in South East London. So far I have caught 9 and some judicious strimming has been corralling them effectively. We have a splendid new residence for them in some specially restored grassland. Hopefully we will be able to clear the…

  • Ecobuild

    Had lots of fun at Ecobuild last week. Far too much going on to keep up with everything but still pretty interesting. The one disappointment was the lack of many companies with any actual eco credentials. The overall feeling of most people I spoke to was that most of the exhibitors were selling the same products with…

  • CEEQUAL, Ecobuild and sustainability

    Off to Ecobuild tomorrow. I am on the Ecology Consultancy stand on Thursday but heading along Tuesday and Wednesday to see if I can drum up some business as a CEEQUAL assessor, drop me a line if you are looking for one. Looking forward to catching up with friends and contacts I haven’t seen…

  • CEEQUAL Assessor Course

    Learning the assessment method and putting it into practice.

  • The Green Register

    Useful course on sustainable construction

  • The sixty second pitch

    Went on another Build Up course at the University of Westminster. One of the things we practiced was the 60 second pitch. Here is my attempt: Sustainable business development I can offer you sustainable business development making your business environmentally friendly and more profitable. Working in the environment and construction fields to help you grow.…

  • Build it up

    Registered for my final courses on the Build up programme at the University of Westminster.  This is for people who’s jobs are threatened or who have been made redundant in the construction industry. So far I have been to a careers workshop day which was very useful. The next three courses I am doing cover…